
Cloud DBMSs Vindicate Appropriateness of Shared Disks Architecture

  時(shí)  間:2023年12月7日(周四)上午10:00
  地  點(diǎn):計(jì)算所一層報(bào)告廳
  報(bào)告人: C. Mohan, Distinguished Professor of Science (Hong Kong Baptist University, China),Distinguished Visiting Professor (Tsinghua University, China),Retired IBM Fellow (IBM Research, USA) 
  摘要:Over 3 decades ago, when the database research community was enamored of shared nothing database management systems (DBMSs), some of us were focused on DBMSs which were based on the shared disks (SD) architecture. While my own work involved IBM’s DB2 on the mainframe, earlier SD product work had been done by DEC, IBM (with IMS), Oracle and a couple of Japanese vendors. The research community didn’t appreciate that much our SD work even though IBM and Oracle have been quite successful with their SD relational DBMS products. With the emergence of the public cloud, many classical on-premises DBMSs have been ported to the cloud arena. New DBMSs have also been developed from scratch to work in the cloud environment. One of the dominant characteristics of the cloud DBMSs is that they are embracing the SD architecture because of the architectural separation of compute nodes and storage nodes (also called disaggregated storage) in the cloud environment to gain several advantages. I feel that these recent developments vindicate our age-old SD work!
  In this talk, I will first introduce traditional (non-cloud) parallel and distributed database systems. I will cover concepts like SQL and NoSQL systems, data replication, distributed and parallel query processing, and data recovery after different types of failures. Then, I will discuss how the emergence of the (public) cloud has introduced new requirements on parallel and distributed database systems, and how such requirements have necessitated fundamental changes to the architectures of such systems which includes embracing at least some of the SD ideas. I will illustrate the related developments by discussing the details of several cloud DBMSs.
  報(bào)告人簡介:Dr. C. Mohan is currently a Distinguished Professor of Science at Hong Kong Baptist University, a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University in China, and a member of the inaugural Board of Governors of Digital University Kerala. He retired in June 2020 from being an IBM Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center in Silicon Valley. He was an IBM researcher for 38.5 years in the database, blockchain, AI and related areas, impacting numerous IBM and non-IBM products, the research and academic communities, and standards, especially with his invention of the well-known ARIES family of database locking and recovery algorithms, and the Presumed Abort distributed commit protocol. This IBM (1997-2020), ACM (2002-) and IEEE (2002-) Fellow has also served as the IBM India Chief Scientist (2006-2009). In addition to receiving the ACM SIGMOD Edgar F. Codd Innovations Award (1996), the VLDB 10 Year Best Paper Award (1999) and numerous IBM awards, Mohan was elected to the United States and Indian National Academies of Engineering (2009), and named an IBM Master Inventor (1997). This Distinguished Alumnus of IIT Madras (1977) received his PhD at the University of Texas at Austin (1981). He is an inventor of 50 patents. More information can be found in the Wikipedia page at https://bit.ly/CMwIkP and his homepage at https://bit.ly/CMoDUK.



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